- Certified Staff
- Top Care
- Same providers over and over
- 24/7 “on-call” provider
- Team oriented care plan
- Geriatric Experience
- Physician owned and operated
- Founded in 2010
We provide the full scope of services offered in a physician’s office in the comfort of the patient’s home. Our dedicated team of providers, nurses, and medical assistants coordinate patient care by arranging; home health nursing, physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as hospice services. Lab work, EKGs, echocardiograms, x-rays, and Doppler ultrasounds are often available on the same day.
Physician Senior Services improves both access and quality of care for people who have difficulty reaching a medical facility. Our team prevents hospitalizations by making routine house calls. Our patients enjoy first-class health care in the comfort of their own home. Using mobile medical assessment tools and services allows us to provide complete continuity of care.